Movember Foundation needed a central legal matter software for all legal department communications

The Movember Foundation began looking at legal matter management software to serve as a hub for legal department communications.

They ultimately chose our in house counsel software to coordinate communication among lawyers on three continents and its seasonal secondees.

movember foundation logo

Charitable foundation

Key results
  • Administrative time saved
  • Collaboration improved among executive peers
  • Improved client service

“It is really user-friendly. It has the core functionality we need and you can tell it’s been put together by a legal team who do this stuff day in and day out.”

General Counsel

Movember Foundation

About the Movember Foundation

The Movember Foundation is the world’s leading charity changing the face of men’s health. They aim to help men live happier, healthier and longer lives. The Movember Foundation unites experts from around the globe to collaborate on projects that change the way men in need are treated and supported. From cancer research to mental health issues and suicide prevention, to prostate cancer and testicular cancer, they are revolutionizing the way health services reach and support men. Since its inception in 2003, Movember has raised more than A$1.1 billion, funding more than 1,250 men’s health initiatives around the world.

The Movember movement has grown into a truly global one where men grow a moustache in the month of November to raise awareness and funds for men's health - mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.

Movember has a five-member legal team with individuals in Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.

lego man moustache


As the name suggests, Movember’s campaign activity peaks in November, when Mo Bros and Mo Sistas from more than 20 countries Grow a Mo, Host a Mo-ment or take on a Move challenge to raise awareness and funds for men’s health - in particular mental health and suicide prevention to prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Movember works year-round, with MayEight events, Father’s Day activations and September’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride events on the calendar as well.

The months leading up to these campaigns were very busy – but if Movember hired full-time lawyers for these bursts of work, they would be underutilized six months of the year. Instead, the organization engaged Hive Legal, a non-traditional law firm, on a flexible retainer: Movember can scale up its legal team with Hive Lawyers when it needs them, and scale down accordingly.

While this provided much-needed manpower, it also presented a challenge for the General Counsel: How do you coordinate Legal Department personnel spread across three time zones and a group of seasonal secondees?


The General Counsel at Movember began looking at matter management software to serve as a hub for Legal Department communications, and she ultimately chose Xakia.

“It is really user-friendly,” the General Counsel said. “It has the core functionality we need, and you can tell it’s been put together by a legal team who do this stuff day in and day out.”

Xakia's legal matter software provided her disperse team with a centralized platform for communication. The General Counsel added the Hive lawyers as users when they were on duty with Movember, and Xakia’s updates and notes functions allowed Australian lawyers to coordinate work with colleagues in the U.S. and the U.K. without being stymied by time differences.

Moreover, the corporate Legal Department was ready to start examining its legal operations and performance, and Xakia’s robust legal analytics software would empower that analysis.

“We had a legal function that really needed to mature, and we needed to look at our process, and we needed to look at how we were doing things and how we were serving the business,” the General Counsel at Movember said. “We didn’t want a system that maybe hid that.”

Xakia has given me the ability to have conversations structured around robust data, rather than just what I think and feel.

General Counsel, Movember

Making it easy to manage a global team with a cloud based in house legal software

In addition to facilitating communication, the General Counsel at Movember said Xakia's matter management system has provided important insight into Movember’s legal operations.

Key results

  • Facilitated communication between lawyers on three continents and seasonal secondees
  • Assisted Movember to better track and analyze the Legal Department’s matters
  • Helped Movember to identify bottlenecks and start conversations with business units about their strategies and priorities

“We had a lot of people in the business who said, ‘I’m not getting what I need from Legal. It takes a really long time. I don’t understand it.’”

"Xakia has helped us to put a framework around how we use the reporting and what evidence is behind any gut feeling you may have."

“So that’s given me the ability to have conversations that are structured around robust data, rather than just what I think and feel.”

cloud based legal software for Legal Departments

Useful legal matter management resources

Matter management software for your corporate Legal Department