NYC LegalWeek

Xakia's key take aways from attending New York City LegalWeek

LegalWeek… a world unto itself. No matter how much I try to prepare myself mentally, it’s never enough. Combining the hustle and bustle of mid-town New York with the first major legal event of the year makes for a legal conference on steroids. I’m late to the party in putting pen to paper, but I felt like I had to digest the on-the-ground experience alongside the (sometimes) quieter discussions after the event. 


One of my favorite things about LegalWeek is that I experience it as an attendee, not a sponsor. This provides a refreshing vantage point, particularly in assessing the “noise” level experienced by attendees.  

A few observations:  

  • LegalWeek is chock full of high-quality educational sessions, and the feedback was consistently positive. ⭐️ 
  • LegalWeek is high energy and provides a terrific opportunity to connect face-to-face. Whether it’s a quick meeting in the lobby bar, hotel suite, or happy hour/dinner, there is no shortage of quality networking. 🤝 
  • Wowzers! The exhibit hall hits you like a jet engine! 📢

Anne from Xakia at NYC legal week exploring matter management solutions

Strolling through the maze-like configuration in the lower-level exhibit hall was like entering the NY subway at rush hour. 🚉

Low ceilings with booths crammed together, and at certain times of the day, there was only space to pass through by physically engaging with another attendee or vendor. I studied each booth, yet I remember only one company because its marketing was on-brand, funny, and clever. It made me laugh, but I still don’t know what they do. ️🤷🏻‍♀️

After several walk-throughs, I couldn’t muster the strength to re-enter. 

The upper-level exhibit hall was airier, with higher ceilings and more floor space between vendors. The excitement was undeniable. But it was still noisy and challenging to digest. 

My exhibit hall takeaway? LegalTech providers need to do better to communicate their differences. Most, if not all, vendors touted AI in some capacity, but after several dozen booths, everything sounded the same. If a buyer is unfamiliar with your brand, what makes them stop and learn more? Maybe it’s the swag or a clever gimmick, but are those genuinely interested buyers? 


AI continued to be the belle of the ball across most sessions and vendor marketing conversations because it’s intriguing, exciting, and transformative. Yet, a different sentiment emerged in less public discussions that involved leaning in for a quieter conversation. While everyone remains hungry for information, a healthy dose of skepticism and caution flows through the legal market that may impact AI's widespread adoption and implementation in 2024. While there is less fear of job displacement for human lawyers as AI technologies become more sophisticated, there is concern about the ethical implications and the need to identify solid use cases to justify the expense.  

When you pair the inability to clearly articulate the use case with the cost and accessibility of implementing AI solutions, significant barriers emerge. Beyond the AI hype cycle, in-house teams may tug on the reins and slow the AI ride from a gallop to a trot (and maybe even a walk). 

Here's my takeaway. And I'll stand by this. AI isn’t going anywhere - but there’s no rush. Step back, assess the landscape, filter out the noise, and build a strategy that meets your use cases and budget over time.  

Written by:

Anne Post

Anne Post
CEO, North America

Anne is an experienced lawyer and entrepreneur, with a celebrated litigation career spanning more than 20 years. Anne brings to Xakia her passion for organization and efficiency, which translates to her heightened understanding of the needs of clients to achieve greater visibility and control over their legal function.

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