Even the busy, complex and nuanced world of a Legal Department involves repetitive work. Whether it is a legal case being managed through the court system, a property settlement or an intellectual property filing, the tasks required in managing each of these specific legal matters need to be carefully mapped and completed each and every time.
There is no room for error
Keeping track of legal tasks, who is responsible and their respective deadlines is essential for effective risk management.
There can be more than 20 tasks required in simple property settlement. For more complex legal matters, such as a company acquisition, the range of tasks can be even more extensive and yet still (largely) identical to each matter of the same type that has preceded it.
Each task assigned to a legal matter must include:
- Details about the task required
- The date or time lapse, anchored from the date at which the legal matter started
- Who is responsible for the task
- A prioritization category (low / medium / high / critical)
- Whether / when a reminder or notification is required for team members
In addition to tasks, critical dates need to be recorded and observed by the in-house legal team members responsible, to ensure that deadlines are not missed and all team members involved with the legal matter are aware of its need to be observed.
Setting up this same set of tasks and key dates each time can be gruelling, particularly for repetitive legal work.
Imagine an in-house Legal Department that manages many property settlements every month and needs to create both a legal matter and the many associated tasks and key dates relevant to that matter. It’s enough to make you want to scream.
Matter management tools that simplify even this small portion of in-house legal department drudgery can be an enormous time saver, increasing the productivity of your legal team.
Save time with Auto-Tasks
Save time with matter management with Xakia’s new Auto-Tasks feature. Your in-house legal team can create a template of tasks and key dates, meticulously setting out information about the tasks and key dates, the order in which they will take place and the time from matter inception.
Visual representation of the tasks and key dates helps you to understand the journey the legal matter will need to travel in order to reach its satisfactory conclusion.

When applying this template to a matter within Xakia’s legal matter management software, the tasks will be auto-assigned and can be altered as required before notifying each team member of their responsibilities. Throughout the journey of the matter, as key dates and tasks need to change, these can be easily updated and team members notified.

One essential attribute of an in-house lawyer is the ability to receive, distil and prioritize a high volume of information and tasks quickly. With all tasks and key dates comprehensively mapped out for all legal work, the risk of deadlines slipping or tasks going unfinished is meaningfully reduced.
Increase the productivity of your in-house legal team
Xakia’s matter management software for corporate legal departments ensures your team stay focused on doing the work as efficiently as possible, to maximize impact on your organization and ensure you are valued as the in-house legal legends you are!
To learn more about Auto-Tasks or our matter management solution, get in touch with one of our consultants today.