Xakia Team

Stories by Xakia

About Xakia

Meet the team: Derek Spalding

Meet our KC-based software engineer who juggles coding, family adventures, and coaching T-Ball. At Xakia, he’s passionate about our powerful...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Ari Dyball

Ari Dyball has been with Xakia since its very first day, has built the legal data analytics program and has vast knowledge about legal team...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Deniz O'Ryan

Deniz O'Ryan has over 20 years of financial transaction experience and a passion for streamlining the customer experience. She is a Xakia superstar!

About Xakia

Meet the team: Yuchao Wu

Meet Yuchao - one of our amazing Tech Leads who oversees the development of some of Xakia's innovative matter management tools.

About Xakia

Meet the Xakia team: Adrian Hofman

Our Tech Lead, Adrian has a passion for complex problem solving and working on innovative matter management solutions. Read on to find out more!

Legal Operations

Lawyers live in their email inbox

Streamline legal operations through legal matter management software and Gmail without having to leave your email inbox!

About Xakia

Meet the team: Elodi Bodamer

Meet Elodi, our Chicago-based Marketing Manager who has a one year old dog named Bowen, and had Taylor Swift speak at her graduation!

About Xakia

Hip, hip, hooray! Xakia turns 7 today

The Xakia legal matter management software is growing up so fast! On 7th June 2023, we turn 7 - check out our infographic for some fun facts about...

Legal Department

Key Takeaways from ACC Europe 2023

The conversations we had conclude that LegalTech can play a major role in enabling legal teams to become a strategic (and valued) partner to the...

Legal Department

What is Legal Leadership?

Too many in-house lawyers are currently pigeonholed as facilitators and not leaders. Change this with a few straight-forward actions.

About Xakia

Meet the team: Brett Graves

Meet Brett, our CTO. Brett loves the complexities and endless capabilities that LegalTech offers and working from home... with his shoes on?

About Xakia

Meet the team: Paul Wyatt

Paul loves the LegalTech industry and helping legal teams with their challenges. And, did you know he used to be a semi-professional photographer?

Ready to take Xakia for a test drive?