To be successful in legal matter management, you need to get a little granular.
What is a legal matter?
A legal matter refers to any situation, issue, or dispute, subject to laws and regulations within the relevant jurisdiction. A matter can range from a small contract being negotiated, to a major and complex litigation. Legal matters typically require the involvement of lawyers to resolve the issue, with from your in-house legal team, or the engagement of external counsel.
But what exactly qualifies as a matter?
The billion-dollar acquisition, or the ten-minute phone call answering questions from Jane in Product Development? A complex contract, or an automated NDA?
To keep it simple, a matter is a legal activity that has a beginning, an end and a clear objective or outcome. Size – in this context – does not matter.
The beginning of a legal matter
Legal matters can be identified by its inception – the moment that a business activity or request sparked the need for legal resolution or advice. Legal management software will provide you with an intake and triage workflow process to streamline the commencement of a legal matter, but a legal matter will also arise from meetings, external events or regulatory changes.
Side note: your in house legal matter management software will capture the commencement date of a matter so that you can track the ‘beginning’ to understand turnaround time to your business or other stakeholders.
The end of a legal matter
It’s very helpful to meditate on the “end” when considering what constitutes a matter. The never-ending task of managing the organization’s brand portfolio is not a matter, whereas individual activities falling within that broader bucket, such as registering a new trademark, are matters.
Side note: your legal matter management system should allow you to link related matters to give you visibility of how much work falls into these broader buckets.
Objective of a legal matter
Is the legal issue in play the project, or a sub-component? With large projects like the billion-dollar acquisition example above, it can be tempting to record sub-components of the project as matters of their own. However, if the objective is to complete the project, the project itself is the ‘matter’ and the sub-components are better reflected as tasks within that matter.
Side note: your in house legal matter management solution will capture both matters and tasks so that they can be managed together for seamless delivery of the matter resolution.

Why 'Matters' matter
Your matters will form the foundation of legal matter management, improving productivity and maximizing the impact of your legal team on your organization's strategic goals – so it’s imperative to get this definition right and be consistent across your team.
Be practical
Although it’s important to be fairly granular about your Legal Department’s activity, if the matter is so small that the time spent recording it would be a large proportion of the total time spent on the activity, it’s probably not ‘matter-worthy’. By using a simple matter management system for matter categorization, recording this information can be laser-fast.
Let’s use the example of the ten-minute phone call with Jane in Product Development. It’s the kind of task that’s easy to dismiss as not “matter-worthy.” But what if Jane is calling every week with a new issue? What if she has engaged with multiple lawyers in the in-house Legal Department, none of whom are aware of the others’ direction? What if, by tracking her queries with legal technology, you could identify a looming threat and act decisively to solve it….and save time and future hassles?
Or, if Jane is asking the same questions repetitively, perhaps provide her with additional training, an FAQ tool, or some other way to self-help on her legal queries.
On the other end of the spectrum, there’s the billion-dollar acquisition. From the perspective of legal workload management alone, classifying this as a single matter is problematic unless size, complexity and value are taken into account. Many legal matter management platforms consider all matters equal and assign one point of contact per matter. So, while Mei may be the project lead, this conceals the fact that Liam is buried in due diligence.

Benefits of legal matter management
Once defined – and to be effective – legal matters within an in-house Legal Department need to be thoughtfully and consistently tracked, efficiently!
One of the primary benefits of a matter management software is to provide visibility, and therefore insight into, your Legal Department’s activity. Without this, you risk spending your days reactively putting out fires – and never getting the mental bandwidth to be strategically focused on the organization.
Think about the tasks that make up the legal matter. For large matters in particular, breaking them down into components helps to manage workflow effectively.
Legal matter management is an organizational system for in-house corporate Legal Departments that:
- Provides visibility into workloads and deadlines
- Automates legal reporting
- Connects in-house lawyers with one another and the business
- Collects key data on legal matters, results, budget, legal spend and more
- Streamline your legal operations
- Seamless collaboration with outside counsel or law firms
That’s the what, and here’s the why: For in-house legal teams, retaining clear, searchable records are critical to productivity.
Lawyers retain an enormous amount of company-critical information in their brains. Even if some (most? all?) of those lawyers are super human and can search through the entirety of their history without having to store it in a central matter management system, eventually those records need to be accessed by other members of the team, or their successor(s).
It is critical to have a single, central repository of records, documents and contracts for each legal matter received, actioned and completed.
And a bonus 'why' for matter management solutions: A matter management tool for corporate Legal Departments empowers data-driven decisions on multiple levels.
By taking a few seconds to categorize each legal matter, you collect insightful metrics. By defining the business client, you see which units have vulnerabilities and how your resources are spread across the organization. By defining the Legal Department workload, you see whether work is assigned fairly, how you may be under- or over-staffed, and better forecast hiring needs.
With advanced legal matter management software, you can define the strategic value, ensuring that your resources are appropriately allocated – and giving you the quantitative data to show your value to the organization. Trust that for your general counsel, CEO and board… that matters.

Matter vs Case Management
Efficiently managing legal matters is crucial for in-house Legal Department success. While matter management and case management are often used interchangeably, there are a few differences we will explore in more detail below.
In summary, matter management is more comprehensive and encompasses all legal work that an in-house Legal Department will perform. On the other hand, case management refers specifically to the management of individual lawsuits or cases.
What is matter management
Matter management refers to the process of organizing, tracking, and managing all the essential information and tasks related to a specific legal matter that a corporate Legal Department will perform. It involves capturing and maintaining crucial data points like client details, key dates, documents, contacts, and billing information.
What is case management
Case management shares similarities with matter management, but only refers to litigation and dispute resolution processes used by a law firm or other legal organizations. Legal case management involves overseeing the entire lifecycle of a case, from its initiation to its resolution.
Case management systems typically encompass matter-related aspects such as legal document management, evidence organization, witness coordination, court filings, and communication tracking. They are specifically designed to support legal professionals in their efforts to effectively handle litigation cases, maintain case files, and adhere to legal procedures.
Matter vs case management: key differences
While matter and case management overlap in several areas, the primary distinction lies in their focus. Matter management emphasizes the general management of legal matters, including legal cases, contracts, projects, or client relationships for an in-house legal department in support of their legal operations. On the other hand, case management is more specialized and tailored to the unique needs of lawyers and law firms dealing with litigation and dispute resolution processes.
Get started with Xakia's legal matter management solution
Matter management systems are designed to streamline and centralize all matter-related information, making it easily accessible and manageable for corporate legal teams. Matter management software solutions allow Legal Departments to track deadlines, automate workflows, collaborate with team members, and generate reports. To learn more about Xakia's leading simple, powerful and affordable matter management software get in touch with the team today for a demo, or sign up for a free 14 day free trial.