Check out the Xakia blog for legal operations tips & tricks

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Legal Department

What is Legal Leadership?

Too many in-house lawyers are currently pigeonholed as facilitators and not leaders. Change this with a few straight-forward actions.

About Xakia

Why did you choose THAT puzzle?

I often get asked how I came up with the idea for Xakia and my answer is similar to the process I go through when selecting a jigsaw puzzle for...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Brett Graves

Meet Brett, our CTO. Brett loves the complexities and endless capabilities that LegalTech offers and working from home... with his shoes on?

About Xakia

Meet the team: Paul Wyatt

Paul loves the LegalTech industry and helping legal teams with their challenges. And, did you know he used to be a semi-professional photographer?

About Xakia

Meet the team: Tanisha Stephens

Meet Tanisha, our Application Support in North America. Did you know Tanisha has a lil fur baby and a bearded dragon?

Matter Management

What is a Matter and Why Does it Matter?

Matters are the building blocks of legal matter management, but what counts? How do you define your matters, what to track and why do your matters...

Matter Management

What is Xakia Legal Matter Management?

Xakia's legal matter management software connects in-house legal teams with business clients to maximize strategic impact and demonstrate legal team...

About Xakia

Startups Are Like Jigsaw Puzzles

Startups are like jigsaw puzzles: they can be deliciously challenging and full of surprises. With both, the joy lies with the journey, not the...

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