Check out the Xakia blog for legal operations tips & tricks

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About Xakia

Meet the team: Derek Spalding

Meet our KC-based software engineer who juggles coding, family adventures, and coaching T-Ball. At Xakia, he’s passionate about our powerful...

Legal Department

Storytelling Through Legal Analytics

Storytelling through legal data analytics can be extremely powerful. Automated intelligent insights power a Legal Department with stories for...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Ari Dyball

Ari Dyball has been with Xakia since its very first day, has built the legal data analytics program and has vast knowledge about legal team...

Legal Tech

Do Small In-House Legal Teams Use A.I.?

A survey of 300 in-house legal teams of <10 ppl found only 14% are using AI tools for improved productivity and only 3% consider themselves mature...

Legal Tech

NYC LegalWeek

Xakia's key take aways from attending New York City LegalWeek

About Xakia

Meet the team: Deniz O'Ryan

Deniz O'Ryan has over 20 years of financial transaction experience and a passion for streamlining the customer experience. She is a Xakia superstar!

About Xakia

Meet the team: Yuchao Wu

Meet Yuchao - one of our amazing Tech Leads who oversees the development of some of Xakia's innovative matter management tools.

Legal Tech

Quick Matter Add

A legal matter management software that adds matters in less than 10 seconds? You'd love to see that!

About Xakia

Meet the Xakia team: Adrian Hofman

Our Tech Lead, Adrian has a passion for complex problem solving and working on innovative matter management solutions. Read on to find out more!

Legal Operations

Lawyers live in their email inbox

Streamline legal operations through legal matter management software and Gmail without having to leave your email inbox!

Legal Budget

Tracking legal matter budgets

In-house legal budgets are only getting tighter. Here are 6 tips to help you manage your legal matters and external engagements and avoid budget...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Elodi Bodamer

Meet Elodi, our Chicago-based Marketing Manager who has a one year old dog named Bowen, and had Taylor Swift speak at her graduation!

About Xakia

Jodie's Jigsaw - The Frame

The frame can be the most tedious part of puzzles, but it's always the place to start, setting up the puzzle for a beautiful picture to emerge...

Legal Operations

Viva Las Vegas! A recap of CLOC 2023

Well funded CLM companies made for lots of Sin City parties, but is that star fading in favor of AI? Will ChatGPT host all the fancy parties next...

About Xakia

Hip, hip, hooray! Xakia turns 7 today

The Xakia legal matter management software is growing up so fast! On 7th June 2023, we turn 7 - check out our infographic for some fun facts about...

Legal Department

Key Takeaways from ACC Europe 2023

The conversations we had conclude that LegalTech can play a major role in enabling legal teams to become a strategic (and valued) partner to the...

Legal Department

What is Legal Leadership?

Too many in-house lawyers are currently pigeonholed as facilitators and not leaders. Change this with a few straight-forward actions.

About Xakia

Why did you choose THAT puzzle?

I often get asked how I came up with the idea for Xakia and my answer is similar to the process I go through when selecting a jigsaw puzzle for...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Brett Graves

Meet Brett, our CTO. Brett loves the complexities and endless capabilities that LegalTech offers and working from home... with his shoes on?

About Xakia

Meet the team: Paul Wyatt

Paul loves the LegalTech industry and helping legal teams with their challenges. And, did you know he used to be a semi-professional photographer?

About Xakia

Meet the team: Tanisha Stephens

Meet Tanisha, our Application Support in North America. Did you know Tanisha has a lil fur baby and a bearded dragon?

Matter Management

What is a Matter and Why Does it Matter?

Matters are the building blocks of legal matter management, but what counts? How do you define your matters, what to track and why do your matters...

Matter Management

What is Xakia Legal Matter Management?

Xakia's legal matter management software connects in-house legal teams with business clients to maximize strategic impact and demonstrate legal team...

About Xakia

Startups Are Like Jigsaw Puzzles

Startups are like jigsaw puzzles: they can be deliciously challenging and full of surprises. With both, the joy lies with the journey, not the...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Nolan O'Connor

With a deep understanding of the pain points in-house legal teams experience, Nolan is dedicated to understanding and helping them achieve business...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Natalie O'Connor

Nat is our amazing Global Head of Customer Success based in the APAC region. Nat assists in house legal teams to navigate and optimize their use of...

About Xakia

Meet the team: Brandon Spencer

Meet Brandon our VP of Sales in North America, who has a passion for LegalTech and is dedicated to helping in-house legal teams of all sizes.

About Xakia

Meet the team: Dan Wales

Meet Dan our VP in the EMEA region. His entrepreneurial spirit led him straight to Xakia and we couldn’t be happier to have his involvement.

About Xakia

Meet the team: Margo Harris

Margo Harris is our amazing Customer Success Manager in EMEA! She has over 25 years of technology experience and a passion for legal management.

About Xakia

Meet the team: Jillian Watkins

Jillian Watkins is our amazing Customer Success Manager, who is passionate about helping people solve problems and build better legal departments.

About Xakia

Meet the team: Richard Conway

Meet Richard Conway, Chief Product Officer at Xakia. Richard is a lawyer with a passion for figuring out ways to do legal work better.

Legal Tech

What is a Legal Hub?

To realize ROI from their LegalTech, Legal need connectivity among their systems and business clients. The solution: An online legal hub.

Legal Tech

A call to #BreakTheBias in LegalTech

At Xakia, ‘breaking the bias’ means providing equal opportunities and encouraging women (and our Xakiarian men) to grow and innovate.


What is Modern Matter Management?

Having the right legal matter management software helps create and retain productive and functional teams. Get the Modern Matter Management eBook now.

Legal Department

Yearly Planning in an Abnormal Year

Legal departments that proactively plan for the “new normal” will be better equipped to weather what promises to be another strange year with less...

Legal Operations

Forecasting Legal Operations in 2021

It's that time of year for budgets, planning and predictions for the year ahead. When it comes to legal operations, we can share a forecast based on...

Legal Department

Movember Case Study

The Movember Foundation chose Xakia to coordinate communication among lawyers on three continents and its seasonal secondees.

Legal Department

Syneos Health Case Study

Megan Isaacson, Legal Operations Manager at Syneos Health, needed a saner approach to legal intake and triage.

Legal Department

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Case Study

Coca-Cola Europacific Partners needed to capture the team’s “full universe of matters” to ensure reporting accuracy to business units and leadership.

Legal Tech

CompareCamp award for Xakia!

Xakia is excited to receive the Great User Experience Award for the Legal Case Management Category from Reputable SaaS Review Platform!

Legal Data Analytics

In-House Legal Data Analytics Part 4 - Why

The fundamentals of legal data analytics are universal, and data collection can be simple and relatively painless. Read our blog for learn “The why.”

Legal Data Analytics

In-House Legal Data Analytics - Who

Understanding the four basic competent of legal data analytics can drive efficiency and results. The first component is the who behind the numbers.

Legal Budget

The Data-Driven Legal Budget

Starting the budget process with a strategic look at both your external spend and your internal workload will result in a better financial picture.

Tips and Tricks

Measuring Legal Tech ROI

Measuring ROI may seem pretty straight-forward, but with LegalTech, this can get a little nebulous. Find out how you can measure legal technology ROI...

Legal Tech

LegalTech and Small Legal Departments

LegalTech aren't just for large in-house legal departments. Learn how 3 small in-house legal teams deployed technology to find efficiency and time...

Tips and Tricks

LegalTech information security checklist

Ensuring legal software meet information security standards is critical to any procurement decision. This checklist will help you to move through the...

Legal Tech

Faster Horses

Legal teams face a maze of regulations and a bigger workload. As the work expands, 3 options emerge: Hire more lawyers, spend more on outside lawyers...

Legal Operations

Deliver Conference ROI in Four Steps

4 tips for Legal Departments to make the most of the lessons and expertise delivered at the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium’s 2018 Conference

Tips and Tricks

Easy, high impact change for 2018

How do you quickly and easily change the way your corporate legal team operates for a more effective (and less stressful!) 2018?

Legal Tech

Aussie Legal Tech - Xakia at ACC

What is it like when LegalTech innovators become sponsors? It turns out that being Australian in the U.S. is definitely an advantage!

Legal Department

How do legal teams define value?

Is the value added by a legal team defined by cost savings or the value of matters worked on, or by the achievement of an organization's strategic...

Legal Department

Xakia does matter! ACC NatCon 2016

Xakia attended the Australian ACC National Conference and we noticed a theme - legal teams are seeking ways to understand their own legal function.

Legal Data Analytics

Corporate Legal Data: Work Types

By capturing just 1 or 2 data points on work categories, corporate legal data can help achieve collaborative productivity.

Ready to take Xakia for a test drive?